Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Low Cost Cloth Diapering

I've been cloth diapering for over a month now. I decided to get a low cost option just in case it didn't work out. I decided to purchase the bumGenius Econobum Cloth Diaper Set which includes 3 One Size covers, 12 cotton prefolds and a wetbag. I found that had the best price $49.99 with free shipping. These diapers can go from newborn all the way up to about 30lbs. These are just a basic no frills diaper, but they do what they're supposed to. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Being a Mom...

#perfecttiming #beingamom #bestjobever #cottonbabies #clothdiapering #econobums #laundryday #clothdiaperfail #poopismylife